LRHS Band News & Notes, Ep. #13

Good Evening Bands Club Families!

I hope that you all were successful with your Fruit and Flower fundraiser sales. Every little bit helps your student and our band program in general. There is still more to do with our fundraising efforts, and our fundraising committee has all the info for you in tonight’s newsletter. Our bands are busy as well in their preparations for our December concerts. We will have some clinicians coming in to work with our students later in November plus we have also received information about some other exciting opportunities for our students to develop their skills further. Details about these opportunities are included in tonight’s edition of our Bands Club newsletter which can be found here:

LRHS Bands Club Band News and Notes Edition 13, November 8th, 2023

Our next Bands Club meeting is next week – Tuesday, November 14th at 7 pm. I hope that you can attend to keep up with all of the activities of our Bands Club and our band program. As always, thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter and to volunteer in any way you can to support our program. The success of our bands and students depends on your support.

Look for our next edition next Wednesday which will help you get all our December dates and events organized ahead of the busy holiday season. Until then…

Take Care!
