LRHS Band News & Notes, Ep. #20

Good Evening Bands Club Families!

This is a bit of a slow week on the Bands Club news front but fear not – our directors and students are hard at work getting ready for all our spring activities. The CB/SB Spring Trip, MPA, the IB trip, the spring musical – all these events plus more are happening in the months to come. Tonight’s newsletter has all the dates you need for January plus some details about other upcoming events and student opportunities. One important announcement that all our CB and SB families should note is that the CB/SB Band Trip to Atlanta is nonrefundable after Friday (1/12) by 5pm. If there are any reasons you need to back out, please communicate this with us ASAP. Please take a few minutes to read through tonight’s edition which can be found with this link:

Before I sign off for tonight, I would like to wish all our students good luck with their first semester final exams. During exam week, our directors and some student volunteers visit local middle schools to recruit for next year’s band program. Our students are great ambassadors for our Bands Club and program. Please see the Remind messages from our directors if you have some time and would like to help out. 

Until next week – take care!
