LRHS Band News & Notes, Ep. #29

Good Evening Bands Club Families!

We have made it to the week just before Spring Break and what a busy semester it has been. Our ensembles performed beautifully at their respective MPA events. BRAVO TUTTI! Now, our students and directors get a much-deserved break ahead of our Spring Trips. The newsletter has some important announcements regarding those trips so please take a few minutes to read through tonight’s edition and make note of the items that pertain to your student. CB and SB families have already received a request for Atlanta trip snacks – that link is included in the newsletter. Many payments are still overdue for the IB and Orchestra Carowinds trip. Please refer to the “How to make payments” link in tonight’s edition so that you can pay that amount into your student’s Charms account. These items plus more are included in tonight’s edition which can be found using this link:

Once we return from Spring Break we still have many exciting things to look forward to – and one of those things is the Bands Club Annual BBQ Fundraiser on Saturday, May 4th. Yes, our Star Wars fans AND BBQ lovers will have good reason to look forward to this delicious fundraiser. Mark that one on your calendar and information will be coming your way after the break.

Thank you all for your support of our newlsletter, Bands Club, Students, and Directors. I hope that you all have a chance to rest and catch up a little over the break. If you have travel plans, keep safe and have a wonderful time. See you after the break!
