LRHS Band News & Notes, Ep. #32

Good Evening Bands Club Families!

Another week has flown by and once again our ensembles have represented us in grand style! Our Orchestra and IB travelled last Friday to take part in the Carowinds Festival of Music. By all accounts they played beautifully and earned Superior ratings. Bravo Tutti! I can’t wait to hear you all again at the spring concerts in May. Our Jazz Band heads to their Jazz MPA this Friday. This is the first time our Bands Program has taken a band to this event. Please join me in wishing them all the luck they need to “Swing and Groove” like some of the Jazz Greats. 

Tonight’s newsletter is a long one but contains lots of important information so please click the link to read all of the details. Our Fundraising committee has several updates for us. Several of you have asked about our Capital Campaign. Fundraising is happy to report that as of our March Bands Club meeting, we had raised $16,000 and more is coming in. This campaign helps our directors meet their goals for our band program. Please read all about it in the newsletter and consider giving before the campaign ends in May. For those who contribute before April 30th, their names can be included in the Spring Concert program. Fundraising is continuing to work on the BBQ Event so please get those orders in before April 24th. We are also in need of some more volunteer help for that event. A Sign Up Genius is included in the newsletter.

There are lots of musical things to read about in tonight’s newsletter as well. Many of our students are playing in the “Pit” for Pride Productions presentation of “Mean Girls The Musical”. Come out for a night of entertainment and support the cast, pit musicians, and crew. There are summer music opportunities for high school students listed in tonight’s edition. All-State Honor Band is just around the corner, and let’s not forget our Spring Concerts coming up in May. Sooo much music and Bands Club news to read about in tonight’s newsletter which can be found at the following link:

Thank you all for sticking with me – so much exciting news to report to you all and I appreciate your time each week to read our newsletter. Your support helps our Bands Club do its work to support our ensembles and Directors. I’ll be back again next week with more Band News and Notes. Until the, please have a great and musical week!

Take Care,
